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محرر الفديو العملاق Serif Movie Plus X5 َََبرنامج َََََSerif Movie Plus X5ََ َََ َََ َََ َ برنامج رائع فى مجال الوسائط المتعدده , يستخدم فى تحرير الفيديو ََََ ويمكن من خلال هذا البرنامج تحويل اشرطة الفيديو.وتعامل معها. كما يمكن الالتقاط من الات التصوير الفيديو.وغيرها الكثير من اجهزة ديفيديَ ََ ََSerif MoviePlus X5 - a new version of software for editing digital video with a set of easy-to-use tools and stunning high-quality effects. With this program you'll have to make quality movies and burn the finished result on DVD and Blu-Ray discs or upload videos to the Internet directly from the program. With support for all popular video formats, even the most inexperienced user will be able to start making your own professional-looking videos in a short time, regardless of the hardware on which the video was shot - whether it be a video camera or mobile phone. َOpportunities MoviePlus X5:َ "Import and edit video from any source "The timeline with an unlimited number of tracks "More than 200 stunning effects and transitions "Noise and shaking cameras "Export to file formats for different devices "Burn result to DVD or Blu-Ray disc directly from the program "Support for AVCHD and HDV formats, including 1080p, 50p and 60p "Creating an animated menu for video recording on disk َRecord Blu-ray Discsَ Create your own discs Blu-Ray, right from MoviePlus, for that would preserve your memories in high definition. َExport of AVCHD ™َ Video recording with AVCHD X5 MoviePlus on DVD - without having to buy expensive disks to create HD movies. َHigh Definition Videoَ Working with HD video is now faster than ever with enhanced Smart MoviePlus engine َHigh-level menuَ Add animated menus, chapters, etc. - as a commercial DVD. User-friendly wizard helps you get professional results. َReduce the "video noise"َ Improve the "grainy" video, shot in low light conditions and on portable devices. َImage Stabilizationَ Reduce unwanted camera movements. َMulti-Trim dialogueَ Perfect for quick removal of scenes ََََ Operating systemsََ َ َ َ َ متوافق مع جميع اصدرات الويندوز ال 32 بت وال 64 بتَ َ َََللتحميل باقصى سرعة استخدم اخر اصدار من برنامج IDM من هنا لفك الضغط بدون مشاكل استخدم اخر اصدار من برنامج WinRAR من هناََ ََ ََ ََ ََ One Link Wupload http://takemyfile.com/1534911 Uploaded http://takemyfile.com/1534912 Megaupload http://takemyfile.com/1535407 jumbofiles http://takemyfile.com/1534913 ََََ 200mb Links ََََ Wupload.com ََ َََhttp://takemyfile.com/1534898ََ http://takemyfile.com/1534899 http://takemyfile.com/1534900 http://takemyfile.com/1534901 http://takemyfile.com/1534902 http://takemyfile.com/1534903 َ ََUploaded.to َََhttp://takemyfile.com/1534892ََ http://takemyfile.com/1534893 http://takemyfile.com/1534894 http://takemyfile.com/1534895 http://takemyfile.com/1534896 http://takemyfile.com/1534897 َ ََFileserve.com َََhttp://takemyfile.com/1534855ََ http://takemyfile.com/1534856 http://takemyfile.com/1534857 http://takemyfile.com/1534858 http://takemyfile.com/1534859 http://takemyfile.com/1534860 َ ََ FileKeen َََhttp://takemyfile.com/1534849ََ http://takemyfile.com/1534850 http://takemyfile.com/1534851 http://takemyfile.com/1534852 http://takemyfile.com/1534853 http://takemyfile.com/1534854 َ ََMigaHost َََhttp://takemyfile.com/1534880ََ http://takemyfile.com/1534881 http://takemyfile.com/1534882 http://takemyfile.com/1534883 http://takemyfile.com/1534884 http://takemyfile.com/1534885 َ ََIfile.it َََhttp://takemyfile.com/1534861ََ http://takemyfile.com/1534862 http://takemyfile.com/1534863 http://takemyfile.com/1534864 http://takemyfile.com/1534865 http://takemyfile.com/1534866 َ ََJumpoFiles َََhttp://takemyfile.com/1534868ََ http://takemyfile.com/1534869 http://takemyfile.com/1534870 http://takemyfile.com/1534871 http://takemyfile.com/1534872 http://takemyfile.com/1534873 َ ََRapidshare.com َََhttp://takemyfile.com/1534886ََ http://takemyfile.com/1534887 http://takemyfile.com/1534888 http://takemyfile.com/1534889 http://takemyfile.com/1534890 http://takemyfile.com/1534891 َ ََMegaUpload َََhttp://takemyfile.com/1534874ََ http://takemyfile.com/1534875 http://takemyfile.com/1534876 http://takemyfile.com/1534877 http://takemyfile.com/1534878 http://takemyfile.com/1534879 َ ََ EnterUpload َََhttp://takemyfile.com/1534843 ََ http://takemyfile.com/1534844 http://takemyfile.com/1534845 http://takemyfile.com/1534846 http://takemyfile.com/1534847 http://takemyfile.com/1534848 َ ََMediafire.com َََhttp://takemyfile.com/1534904 ََ http://takemyfile.com/1534905 http://takemyfile.com/1534906 http://takemyfile.com/1534907 http://takemyfile.com/1534908 http://takemyfile.com/1534909َ تم النشر بقلم :محمـود |
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