
الرئيسيةأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول

تم النشر بقلم :محمـود:21/01/13, 02:54 am - -

 المشاركة رقم: #1
تواصل معى
بيانات اضافيه [+]
 الجنس : ذكر
 عدد الرسائل : 8019
 العمر : 47
 نقاط : 536830
 تاريخ التسجيل : 21/03/2008
 رأيك في العضو/هـ : 15
لوني المفضل : Tomato
Emperor Tamarin

Emperor Tamarin  Emperor_Tamarin

The Emperor Tamarin (Saguinus imperator) is a tamarin allegedly named for its similarity with the German emperor Wilhelm II. The name was first intended as a joke, but has become the official scientific name.

This tamarin lives in the southwest Amazon Basin, in east Peru, north
Bolivia and in the west Brazilian states of Acre and Amazonas.
The fur of the Emperor Tamarin is predominantly grey colored, with yellowish speckles on its chest. The hands and feet are black and the tail is brown. Outstanding is its long, white mustache, which extends to both sides beyond the shoulders. The animal reaches a length of 24 to 26 cm, plus a 35 cm long tail. It weighs approximately 300 to 400 g.
This primate inhabits tropical rain forests, living deep in the forest and also in open tree-covered areas.
It is a diurnal animal, spending the majority of its days in the trees
with quick, safe movements and broad jumps among the limbs.

تم النشر بقلم :محمـود21/01/13, 02:54 am    

تعليقات القراء

الموضوع الأصلي : Emperor Tamarin // المصدر : منتديات ليالى مصرية // الكاتب: محمـود
توقيع : محمـود

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